Saturday, 9 August 2008

I am We

Hello world,

first of all i would like to clarify the title, I am We means there are more than one of me, as my profile says i'm diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, this means there are many parts of me, We all have our own individual names or the colective name of Rainbow Bubbles. we all have different ages. i jo am the person born, it is me who has DID, they are all part of me but individual, they have as much right as i do, if you intend to make contact in any way (if posible with blogger) then please be respectful to all of us. and always remember I am We.

We have a page on youtube where many of us do videos, there are videos done by us on DID. i one day plan to publish a book or 2 and my insiders (alters/personalities plan the same.

we also have a page on bebo we have a group there for people with or involved with or would like to be involved with DID, the group is called DID is Real.

we have a page on facebook, myspace and jcfaith, most of our time is spend on youtube tho. we have met some of the kindest friends on there, many of who have DID or know some one who does, but also many of them are people who want to learn. we have a motto with is, the only supid question is an unasked one, as it will never be answered.

we have decided to start a written blog as when we are away it is hard to get videos done and we miss our friends arround the internet, so we felt if we had a place where they could come, they could then at least keep up with whats going on. if they want to of course.

but we also felt it might be got for us to write things down, and choosing to do it online is part of helping us speak out as this is the most importent thing for us, people will only learn the truth that is DID from those who have it that find the courage to speak out.

a book we would recomend is Herschel Walker's Breaking Free, we recently purchased this book and are griped by it, it has so much to offer, for every one, in its teaching, advice and realness of every day life.

Sybil and a such are extream cases of DID and most peple who have it do not have it to that kind of degree, you also have to remember for it to make the big screen or tv it has to be hyped up a bit or people would not have read or watched, in todays world we hope people are more willing to learn and listen.

we recently moved, well i say recently it was over a year ago now, but it was the best thing we could have done, we now live in a place where they beleive in DID, where our case manager beleives, where our psychotrist beleives, this is the bigerst part of the battle over, we now have to wait for the health care trust to say weather or not they will pay for our theropy.

i was diagnosed with depression and borderline personality disorder when i was 16, i was diagnosed with DID about 4 years ago, as i am away at the moment at my sisters i will check and let you know, but it was 27 of september, wich is now called our DID day, and celebrated as a new start, so because of my own experances in mental health this is the line of work im currently looking at going into, i have never been in a possision before where i thought id ever be able to go to work, but with a lot of hard work and effort this day now looks as tho it might come. at the moment im doing voluntery work in the area of mental health.

I was registered as blind back in 1994, as my condition is degeneratiive, but with the right treatment my sight will stay for some time, have was born blind due to congenital cateracts wich were removed along with my lenses when i was a young child, leaving me short sighted, over the last year or so i have had considerable sight loss, but we will not let that get in our way, we make the most of what we have and always will. of course some times im upset about it or angree, but i use what i have to the best i can, i am hoping to get a guide dog one day.

Because i am we blogs will be written in different styles, colors and signed with different names, i hope this has helped you get to know a bit more about me.

we will title all blogs, and if the content of the blog could cause unwanted feelings, flashbacks or emotions they will be marked with Trigger, please take note of this and bear it in mind when choosing to read a blog entry.

thanks for reading
Jo an Co

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